Prioritize Health and Wellness with Our Testing Solutions

We provide wellness checks, including SARS-2 and food intolerance testing, to ensure holistic health monitoring.
Happy family with dog smiling and laughing

Our Services

Our wellness testing services are designed to encourage and promote healthy life choices. These tests offer valuable insights into an individual's health by enabling the identification of potential health issues before they escalate into more serious problems.

Screening tests (POCT/instant) are primarily used for early detection of disease or risk factors whereas diagnostic (lab) tests are used to establish the presence or absence of disease. Screening tests are often done among people without symptoms who may have a higher risk of developing disease and/or practice active wellness.
Young healthy family while sitting on couch

Food Intolerance Testing

Bloating, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea………if you regularly experience some of the above symptoms, you may have a food intolerance.

Our testing can help identify food intolerances, and sensitivities. Our test consists of taking 5-6 strands of hair and sending it off to the lab. Once completed, 72 hours after the lab has received the collection you are directly emailed the results. The results contain the sensitivity if present and alternatives to other foods that are well tolerated by providing you a fully report of several pages of personalized information.

What is a Food Allergy? A food allergy occurs when the immune system mistakes an ingredient in food as harmful and creates an immune response to fight it.
What is a Food sensitivity? Most food reactions known today are caused by a food sensitivity rather than a true food allergy.
What is a Food Intolerance?  While the symptoms are similar to food allergy, a food intolerance does not involve an immune reaction (i.e. no antibodies produced).  Rather, intolerances occur when an ingredient/compound in a food irritates a person’s digestive system or when a person is unable to properly digest the food outright. An allergy, however, there is a noticeable and measurable difference in the immune response.

Testing methods: 5-6 strands of hair. No need for medical/nurse practitioner referrals.

It is not medical advice and should always seek medical counsel when understanding and evaluating their own health, as each health plan should be tailored to the unique needs of the individual.

Wellness Testing

The findings of "Wellness Tests" can assist you in modifying your lifestyle, diet,.....However, one should always consult their healthcare practioner/doctor prior to any changes to ensure your best health.

Persistent Inflammation Testing

  • Serum amyloid A (SAA) proteins have several roles, including the transport of cholesterol to the liver for secretion into the bile and the recruitment of immune cells to inflammatory sites. Understanding SAA levels in your blood can help with the further diagnosis of inflammation in the body.
  • The raised Serum amyloid A (SAA) gives an indicator of inflammation in the body and is especially useful for evaluating disease severity and monitoring disease activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and secondary amyloidosis.
  • An SSA level higher than 10mIU/L indicates a higher than normal level and a positive test.
  • The test provides results based on a Positive/Higher or Negative/Normal basis. Positive results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Thyroid (underactive) Testing

  • The thyroid is a gland that produces hormones and releases them into the bloodstream that, controls the rate at which the body uses and stores energy from the food we eat, also known as the metabolic rate.
  • A TSH level higher than 5mIU/L indicates a higher-than-normal level and the possibility of an underactive thyroid.
  • Perfect for identifying underactive thyroid or issues relating to hypothyroidism. Checking the level of TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) as a critical health marker can assist with understanding weight gain and other symptoms.
  • The test provides results based on a Positive/Higher or Negative/Normal basis. Positive results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

IBD: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Testing

Take Home Test

  • Calprotectin Test gives a rapid indication of inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders, aiding the possible diagnosis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and eliminating irritable bowel syndrome as a cause of similar symptoms. Early detection of IBD is an effective strategy to avoid disease progression. There are two types of IBD, which are Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
  • Faecal Calprotectin is used to distinguish IBD from IBS or other functional disorders and is one of the most sensitive (approximately 90%) biomarkers for BD. It is a useful, non-invasive screening method that can sometimes mean avoiding unnecessary endoscopies and consultation time with doctors. Other serological tests cannot measure bowel inflammation and can be influenced by a variety of other non-intestinal conditions.
  • The test provides results based on a Normal or Abnormal basis. Abnormal results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Colon Cancer Testing

Take Home Test

  • FOB (Faecal Occult Blood) gives you a rapid indication of your gastrointestinal condition aiding the detection of several gastrointestinal diseases that in their early stages may have no visible symptoms including colon cancer, ulcers, polyps, colitis, diverticulitis and fissures.
  • Early detection of FOB can allow you to seek further medical advice or healthier lifestyle regimes for early-stage diseases that could prevent more severe gastrointestinal damage or control the condition.
  • This rapid two-step lateral flow immunoassay test uses a specimen collection tube inclusive of extraction buffer and a chromatographic test cassette to detect the level of faecal occult blood above 50 ng/mL for self-testing
  • The test provides results based on a Positive or Negative basis. Abnormal results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Ovarian Cancer Testing

  • This prognostic biomarker is also used for fallopian tube or primary peritoneum cancers. High levels of CA 125 do not always mean cancer and can be caused by other medical conditions causing health issues. Elevated CA 125 levels are common in perimenopausal women and a variety of benign conditions.
  • CA 125 is a protein found in the blood and normal levels are 35 U/mL (units per millilitre) or lower. It is a type of tumour marker recommended for aiding the diagnosis and management of ovarian cancer, mainly if the levels are higher than 40 U/mL.
  • The test provides results based on a Positive or Negative basis. Abnormal results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Menopause Testing (PCOS Included)

Take Home Test (only when still have a cycle)

PCOS: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

  • The home Menopause Test is used to gain a rapid indication of your Follicle-Stimulating hormone (FSH) in urine, aiding the early detection of menopause. It can also be used to screen for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)and ovarian failure in non-perimenopausal women with persistently elevated levels of FSH.
  • The female hormones that regulate the menstrual cycle can change as the body produces less estrogen and produces more FSH during the perimenopausal stage.
  • Detecting this early means that you can take appropriate steps to keep your body healthy and prevent health risks associated with menopause, which include osteoporosis, high cholesterol and blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart disease.
  • The test provides results based on a Positive or Negative basis. Abnormal results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Liver Function Testing

Take Home Test

  • The Liver Function Health Test helps you understand more about liver function and the body generally. 
  • A urinalysis or urine test is a non-invasive procedure that checks for urine composition. This allows us to detect some types of medical conditions: diabetes, urinary tract infections, and kidney-related diseases, to name a few.
  • A urine test can monitor the patient's current medical conditions as well as assess whether the treatment the patient currently receives is effective. The test strip uses a dipstick,which is the most common method of checking the chemical components of urine.
  • Each square represents a particular component, including the concentration of urine and pH level. You can also see the proteins in the urine, such as albumin, glucose/sugar, ketones (a by-product of fat breakdown), hemoglobin, leukocyte esterase/white blood cells, bilirubin, nitrite, and urobilinogen (1,2,3).

Kidney Function Testing

Take Home Test

  • Testing is the only way to know if the kidneys are working at optimum efficiency.
  • Our Kidney Health test provides easy-to-understand dip-and-read test strips that check for Creatinine, Protein and Specific Gravity in your urine specimens. This helps in the diagnosis of kidney diseases and other issues.
  • Common causes of kidney diseases include diabetes, high blood pressure, poisons, drugs and cancer. This test is perfect for regular testing.

Prostate Health Testing

  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a blood protein secreted by the prostate gland. PSA appears in blood in higher than normal concentrations when the gland si enlarged or cancerous. Monitoring the prostate as a key biomarker is important for men over the age of 50.
  • APSA level higher than 4MlU/mL indicates a higher-than-normal level and the possibility of a health issue. Abnormal levels of Prostate Specific Antigen in the blood can be an indicator that further investigation of the prostate is required.
  • The test provides results based on a Normal or Abnormal basis. Abnormal results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Iron Deficiency Testing

  • Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. Our home ferritin test helps you understand how much iron your body is storing and if you have iron deficiency.
  • Ferritin levels less than 30ng/mL indicate an Iron Deficiency or Insufficiency. 
  • Perfect for Iron deficiency is associated with many symptoms such as dizziness, fatigue, lack of energy, feeling cold, poor nails or numbness. Monitoring the Iron levels as a key marker helps to determine if taking supplements would be an important part of a health regime. 
  • The test provides results based on a Normal or Abnormal/Deficient basis. Deficient results can then be used to request secondary test or consult further medical advice.

Vitamin D Testing

  • Vitamin D deficiency is associated with many diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmune diseases, diabetes and depression. Monitoring your vitamin D levels as a key marker and determining to take supplements can be an essential part of a health regime.
  • 25-hydroxy Vitamin D is the main storage form of vitamin D in the human body. The current status of Vitamin D levels can be determined by detecting the content of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D.
  • 25-hydroxy Vitamin D level less than 30ng/mL indicates Vitamin D Deficiency or Insufficiency.
  • The test provides results based on Normal, Insufficient or Deficient. Both Deficient and Insufficient results can then be used to request a secondary test or consult further medical advice.
$89 (Promo)

Food Intolerance Testing

Our best selling Food Intolerance Test is a market leading test offering a full picture of an individual’s possible trigger to symptoms. The raised IgE antibodies and IgG4 antibodies tests screen for some of the most common triggers such as wheat, dairy, gluten, and many more. In fact, this test screens for 900+ food & non-food allergens, lactose & gluten-based allergens, vitamin & mineral imbalance, e-numbers, metal sensitivity, gut biome and digestive health. The complementary individualized test report that you are given can give you insight on how to improve food intolerances, sensitivities and/or used for further medical advice.

The findings of "Wellness Tests", used as screening tests and not diagnosis, can assist you in modifying your lifestyle and diet. However, one should always consult their healthcare practitioner/doctor prior to any changes to ensure your best health.

  • Personalized, 60+ page report included with results.

3 Wellness Tests

Choose 3 Wellness Tests valued at $59 for $159 only!

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Reach out to us today to schedule your testing appointment. Questions or concerns? Our team is ready to help.
Woman doctor using a microscope to investigate urine samples